Saturday, 1 January 2011


The New Year is heralded in with the pop & flutter of a Party Popper which is a fitting metaphor.I awkwardly receive 2011 standing in my brother's living room, when I may just as well have been sitting. I never really got on with NYE, it's always just seemed somewhat anti-climactic, never seeming to really live up to it's own expectations. The best NYE I spent was 32000 feet above nowhere in particular; the new year arriving after I'd left & before I'd arrived. There was no announcement, no complimentary champagne toast; I was, as far as I could see, the only person awake. I smiled to myself, peeked out at the uncertain, twilight world far below & ordered another bottle of wine. There are no expectations in the time-less void of intercontinental flight...

2010 brought new friends & took some away, it brought new experiences that were good & bad, it brought a selection of dizzying high & crushing lows. I'm sure 2011 will be exactly the same in so far as it will be completely different.
I am lucky enough to have been let into the year without an  empty heart. I hope you have too.

1 comment:


    or now you're back in Japan....

